Part Time Jobs In Japan

If you find Part Time Jobs In Japan want to know  or if are international foreigner student you find easily jobs in Japan .

Part time jobs in Japan

Part Time Jobs In Japan -What Kind Of find Part Time Jobs In Japan  Students Get In Japan ?

There are many Part Time Jobs In Japan jobs available as on a personal proficiency in the Japanese language, and available working hours . First finger out the available working hours, and how much you want to interact with people then apply for any jobs .

Part Time Jobs In Japan -How Much salary get in Japan for part-time jobs

– How much does a Japanese part-time jobs pay ?In part-time jobs . An employee is paid on an hourly basis the wage depending upon multiple factors like location, skill, marketing demand, etc, if you are working in big metropolitan cities you will get more pay as compared to small-town or remote village. Part time jobs in Tokyo pay around 1,000 Yen per hour as a compare to city like Nago, where are you will get pay around 850 Yen per hour.

1 . Part Time Jobs In Japan Minimum Wage : Japan has a Regional minimum wage system. The national weighted average is currently 961 YON Per hour ( as of January 1,2024 ) . This means some areas may have a slightly a higher or lower minimum wage.

2 . Part Time Jobs In Japan Average monthly salary : this is a broader term encompassing all salary levels. The average monthly salary in Japan, 2024 can rengne widely . Approximately 130,000 Yen around $958 USD to 2,300,00 YEN Around $16,944 USD , it depends on factors likes :

  • Region : Tokyo offer the highest average salary due to its large business and high cost of living.
  • Education level : Those with higher education qualification typically earn more.
  • Experience level : Salaries tend to increase with experience.
  • Industry : Some industry, like finance, or tech, offer higher salary, then others.

Some available part time jobs in Japan

  • English teaching part time jobs
  • Restaurant part time jobs
  • Fast food delivery jobs
  • Sorting and packing part time jobs
  • Hotel part time jobs
  • Bedmaking, and cleaner jobs
  • Convince you store part time jobs
  • Event staff part time jobs
  • Restricted part time jobs
  • Convenience store worker
  • Restaurant staff
  • English Tutor
  • Warehouse staff
  • Housecleaner
  • Data entry
  • After school staff
  • Interpreters/translator : This just a few example , and the best part-time jobs for you will depend on your interest, skill, location in Japanese language proficiency .

Part Time Jobs In Japan -How find Part-Time jobs for international student in Japan ?

Finding part time jobs in Japan, also know as baito involves a mix of online searching and off-line leave work.

Before you begin :

  • Work permit : if you international foreigner is student visa, you will need to permit to work part time at the immigration office before applying for jobs.
  • Resume: Prepare a resume me in the Japanese farm at is called rirekisho you can find template online or seek help from a native speaker.

5 Online jobs search portal :

Jobs board : several website specialize in part time jobs in Japan, many catering to foreigners .

Japanese Resume Pdf Download

Empty Resume Pdf Download

Demo Resume Pdf Download

Some popular site for Japan part-time jobs apply here 👇🏿

Off-line job search

Walk -lns: Lok for shop and restaurant with sinks saying we are hiring .

Train station : train station, weight, shopping area,often jobs posting on billboards .

School Resources : Your school might have a care center or jobs board with part time openings .

Additional tips :

  • Japanese language skill : while some jobs don’t require Japanese language, proficiency can open more opportunity.
  • Working hours : As a student, you are typically limit to 28 hours of work per week .

Some important links


Some important links

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